HomeHealth & RemediesBenefits of 45 Minutes Daily Walk

Benefits of 45 Minutes Daily Walk

Taking a stroll is a really good way to make your body healthier. Just 45 minutes of walking every day can help your heart get stronger, make your bones tougher, reduce extra fat, and make your muscles stronger.

It can also make it less likely for you to have health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, weak bones, and some kinds of cancers.

The cool thing is, you don’t have to pay any money or buy special stuff to walk. You also don’t need to learn anything special.

You don’t have to do intense exercise for a long time to make your health better. Even walking at a normal pace is good.

Walking is gentle on your body, you don’t need a lot of gear, you can do it whenever you want, and you can go at your own speed. You can go for a walk without worrying about getting hurt like you might with harder exercises.

Walking is also great for people who are heavier, older, or haven’t exercised in a while.

Walking for fun and being healthy isn’t only about walking alone around your neighborhood. There are different groups, places, and ways to make walking a fun and social part of how you live.

Health Benefits of Walking:

Walking is really good for your health. When you walk, your body has to hold itself up. This is called “weight-bearing exercise.” Some of the good things it does for you are:

1. Burn Calories:

When you walk, you use up energy, which helps you control your weight. How much energy you use depends on things like how fast you walk, how far you go, and how heavy you are. You can figure out exactly how much energy you use with a special tool.

2. Make the Heart Stronger:

Walking for at least 45 minutes a day, five days a week, can make your heart healthier. It can also lower your chances of having heart problems. And if you walk more or go farther, your heart gets even healthier.

3. Lower Blood Sugar: 

Taking a short walk after you eat can help control your blood sugar, which is good if you have diabetes. Some small research found that walking for 15 minutes three times a day (after breakfast, lunch, and dinner) can be better for your blood sugar than walking for 45 minutes at another time. But more research is needed to be really sure.

You can make a habit of walking after meals. It also helps you fit exercise into your day.

4. Help Joints Feel Better:

Walking is kind to your joints, like your knees and hips. It makes the muscles around your joints stronger and can help with pain. If you have a problem like arthritis, walking might make you feel less pain. And if you walk 5 to 6 miles a week, you might even stop arthritis from happening.

5. Boost Immune System:

Walking might help you get fewer colds or the flu. In one study, researchers followed 1,000 adults during the flu season. Those who walked at a medium speed for 30 to 45 minutes a day got sick less often, and they had fewer problems with their breathing.

So, try to take a walk every day to get these good things for your body. If it’s really cold outside where you live, you can walk inside on a treadmill or in a mall.

6. Get More Energy:

Instead of getting a coffee when you’re tired, taking a walk might give you more energy. Walking makes more oxygen go through your body. It also makes hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and nor-epinephrine, which help you feel more awake.

7. Feel Happier:

Walking is good for your mind. It can help you feel less worried, sad, or in a bad mood. It can also make you feel better about yourself and help you be more social. To feel these good things, try to walk fast for 45 minutes three times a week. You can even walk for 10 minutes three times a day.

8. Live Longer:

If you walk faster, it might make you live longer. A study found that people who walked at a normal or fast pace had a smaller chance of dying. Walking at least 4 miles per hour is even better. It can make your risk of dying or having heart problems lower.

9. Make Legs Stronger:

Walking can make your leg muscles stronger. If you want even stronger legs, walk in places with hills or on an incline on a treadmill. You can also find stairs to walk up and down. Doing other activities like cycling or jogging helps too. And exercises like squats, lunges, and leg curls are good for your leg muscles.

10. Think More Creatively:

Walking can help you think of new and creative ideas. A study showed that people who walked outside had better thoughts compared to when they were sitting. Walking can make your mind more open to new ideas. It’s an easy way to be creative and active at the same time.

You can even have meetings while walking with your coworkers when you need to solve a problem at work.

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Getting Started with Walking:

Starting to walk is easy! All you really need are some comfortable walking shoes. Find a nice route close to your home. It could be around your neighborhood or a pretty place like a trail or the beach.

You can also ask a friend or family member to walk with you. This way, you can encourage each other. Another idea is to make walking a regular part of your day. Here are some ways to do it:

  • If you travel by bus or train, you can get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way to your workplace.
  • When you go to work, park your car a bit farther from the office. This means you’ll have to walk a bit more.
  • Instead of driving, think about walking when you need to do some errands. This way, you can get things done and also exercise at the same time.

How many steps should you take every day?

You’ve probably heard about the goal of taking 10,000 steps daily. But should that really be your aim? It turns out that having fewer steps might still be good for you.

A study in 2021 from JAMA NETWORK OPEN found that for people aged 38 to 50, walking around 7,000 steps was linked to a lower chance of passing away. And if 7,000 steps sound like a lot, don’t worry. Another study in 2019 found that older women who took only 4,400 steps a day had lower risks of dying compared to less active women who took 2,700 steps.

So, if reaching 10,000 steps feels tough, remember that even small improvements matter. Every step and every bit of walking adds up and counts towards your health.

Is it better to walk faster or longer?

You might think that just walking a certain distance is enough, but research shows that walking faster is better for your health in the long run. People who walk faster have a lower risk of dying from any cause and heart disease.

A more recent study in 2021 looked at over 200,000 cancer survivors aged 50 to 71. It found that those who walked at a slower pace were more than twice as likely to die from any cause compared to those who walked faster.

How fast is considered fast enough?

According to a study from Mayo Clinic in 2019, the best speed to aim for is at least 4 miles per hour. When it comes to walking’s benefits, going at a good pace is important. So, remember to walk briskly for your health!



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