HomeHealth & RemediesShoulder Pain from Gas: Causes And Treatments

Shoulder Pain from Gas: Causes And Treatments

Lots of people get gas pain sometimes. Normally we think of it happening in our belly but it can also make our shoulders hurt especially after surgeries on our belly. This happens because the gas gets stuck inside us and makes pressure which makes our shoulders ache too.

Sometimes it seems confusing but we can understand why this happens by looking at how our nerves are connected all over our body.

What is Gastritis?      

Gastritis is when the lining of your stomach gets inflamed which means it’s swollen and irritated. It can happen because of different things like taking certain painkillers a lot (NSAIDs) getting infected with a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, drinking too much alcohol, throwing up a lot, feeling stressed or having other health issues.

To find out if you have gastritis doctors might look inside your stomach with a special tool called an endoscope and take a tiny piece of tissue to check. Treatment focuses on lowering the acid in your stomach and fixing whatever caused the inflammation in the first place.


Gastritis can show up in different ways. But some people don’t feel anything at all. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Pain or discomfort in the upper belly
  • Feeling sick to your stomach or throwing up
  • Throwing up
  • Feeling bloated after eating
  • Not feeling hungry
  • Hiccups
  • Dark, tar-like poop
  • Feeling full quickly even if you haven’t eaten much
  • Losing weight without trying

Why Does Gas Make Your Shoulder Hurt?

When you feel gas pain in your shoulder it’s usually because of something called referred pain. This happens after surgeries on your belly especially ones where they use tiny cameras (laparoscopic procedures). Sometimes the gas they use can stay trapped inside your belly.

This trapped gas can bother the nerves near your diaphragm which are connected to the nerves in your shoulder. So even though the gas is in your belly, your shoulder feels the pain.

What Causes Pain in Left Shoulder after Eating?

Feeling pain in your left shoulder after eating can be because of different things. Some possible reasons are:

1. Heart problems: Sometimes if your heart isn’t working right you can feel pain in your left shoulder after eating a big meal.

2. Ulcers: Sores in your stomach or the first part of your small intestine can make your left shoulder hurt.

3. Hernias: When part of your stomach pushes through your diaphragm into your chest it can cause acid reflux and make your shoulder hurt.

4. Gallbladder problems: Even though your gallbladder is on the right side, sometimes issues with it can make your left shoulder hurt.

5. Spleen problems: Your spleen is on your left side. If it’s swollen or has a problem it can make your left shoulder hurt too.

6. Pain from your belly: Sometimes if there’s a problem in your belly like an abscess it can make your left shoulder hurt.

If your left shoulder keeps hurting after you eat especially if you also feel chest pain, trouble breathing or sweat a lot it’s important to see a doctor right away. It could be a sign of a serious heart problem.

Treatment for Gas Pain in the Shoulder

If your shoulder hurts because of gas you can try these things to help feel better:

  1. Painkillers: You can use medicines like acetaminophen or NSAIDs that you can buy without a prescription to help with the pain. Just be careful and follow the instructions especially if you have other health problems.

2. Move gently: Walking around or doing easy exercises can help move the gas in your body which might ease the pain.

3. Warm cloth: Putting a warm cloth on your shoulder can relax your muscles and make the pain feel better. Just make sure it’s not too hot to avoid burning your skin.

4. Change your position: Lying on your left side or pulling your knees toward your chest can help push the gas out and take pressure off your diaphragm.

5. Gas-relief medicines: You can get medicines from the store like simethicone, that help break down gas in your belly making it easier to get rid of.

6. Drink fizzy drinks: It might sound strange but sometimes drinking a little bit of a fizzy drink can help you burp out trapped gas.

7. See a doctor: If your shoulder still hurts or if you have other worrying symptoms. It’s important to talk to a doctor to make sure it’s not something more serious.

How to Prevent Shoulder Gas Pain?

Even though you might not be able to completely stop this discomfort there are things you can do to make it less bothersome:

1. Watch what you eat: Avoiding foods that usually make you gassy like beans, broccoli, onions, fizzy drinks and some artificial sweeteners can help.

2. Eat slowly: Eating too fast can make you swallow air which leads to more gas. Take your time eating and chew your food well to avoid this.

3. Skip the straw: Using a straw to drink can make you swallow extra air causing more gas.

4. Be careful with dairy: Some people can’t digest dairy well and get gassy and bloated after eating dairy products. If you think this might be you try cutting back on dairy or switching to lactose-free options.

 5. Probiotics: Eating foods with probiotics like yogurt or taking probiotic supplements can help balance the good bacteria in your gut and reduce gas.

6. Go easy on fizzy drinks: While they might help you burp out gas sometimes drinking too many fizzy drinks can make gas buildup worse.

7. Relax: Being really stressed out can mess with your digestion and make more gas. Try doing things like meditation, deep breathing or exercise to help you relax.

8. Listen to your doctor: If your shoulder hurts because of surgery like after a laparoscopic surgery make sure to follow all the instructions your doctor gives you about how to take care of yourself after the operation. This might include things like how to move, what to eat, and how to manage pain.

When is it a good idea to visit a doctor about shoulder gas pain?

 1. Home remedies don’t help: If you’ve tried things like moving around, taking pain relievers or using warm compresses but your gas pain sticks around or gets worse. it’s probably time to get some professional advice.

2. The pain keeps getting worse: Gas pain shouldn’t be getting worse over time. If it’s getting more intense or happening more often it’s worth getting checked out to make sure there isn’t something more serious going on.

3. You’re feeling really unwell: Gas pain on its own can be uncomfortable. But if you’re also experiencing symptoms like chest pain, trouble breathing or feeling faint it’s important to get help right away. These could be signs of a more serious issue.

4. You’ve had surgery: Gas pain after surgery especially if it’s not getting better with pain meds or following your doctor’s instructions might need a second look. Your doctor can make sure everything’s healing up okay and help manage any lingering discomfort.

In short:

If your gas pain isn’t going away or is getting worse, if you’re feeling really sick or if you’ve had surgery and things aren’t improving it’s a good idea to reach out to your doctor for some guidance and peace of mind.

Read more…How to get rid of gas pain and bloating fast?


Why do I get gas pains in my shoulder?

Gas pains in your shoulder can happen after belly surgeries because gas gets trapped in your belly. This trapped gas can press on your nerves causing your shoulder to hurt even though the problem is in your belly.

What foods should I avoid to prevent gas?

Some foods can make you gassy like beans, broccoli, onions, fizzy drinks and certain sweeteners. Avoiding these foods might help reduce gas.

Can stress make gas pain worse?

Yes, stress can make gas pain worse because it messes with your digestion. Try doing things like meditation or deep breathing to relax and reduce stress.

Is it safe to take over-the-counter painkillers for shoulder gas pain?

Yes, it’s usually safe to take over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen for shoulder gas pain. Just make sure to follow the instructions and not take too much.

How can I prevent gas pain after surgery?

After surgery you can prevent gas pain by moving gently, eating slowly, avoiding straws, being careful with dairy and following your doctor’s advice on managing pain and diet.

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