HomeDiet & NutritionsFood to boost immunity during pregnancy

Food to boost immunity during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through big changes in how it fights off sickness. This is important because otherwise, the body might treat the growing baby as something harmful. These changes in the immune system make us stronger against certain illnesses, but not so good at fighting off others. Sometimes, things that might not seem serious, like a funny tummy or loose poop, can actually become a problem during pregnancy. It’s also tricky because doctors suggest avoiding some medicines, like antibiotics, when you’re pregnant.

But there are things you can do! Eating healthy food can help make your immune system stronger and better at protecting you.

Staying Healthy with a Baby Bump:

When you’re pregnant, some infections like the flu, toxoplasmosis, urinary tract infections, the common cold, and even Covid-19 might pose a bigger risk to you. But don’t worry, I’m not telling you this to stress you out. I just want you to be careful and take steps to prevent these infections.

Talk to your doctor about the right vaccinations, wash your hands really well before eating and after touching animals or using the bathroom. Keep your food in the fridge, cook it thoroughly, and eat healthy foods that help your immune system.

Scientists say that having a healthy mix of bacteria in your belly (your gut) is a super important way to make your immune system stronger. It’s also important to get enough of certain nutrients like zinc and vitamin C.

To help your belly’s bacteria and get the right nutrients, try adding these foods to your meals:

Boosting Your Immunity with Tasty Choices:

Here are some things you might like to know about staying healthy while you’re expecting:

1. Garlic

Some studies say that eating 4-5 cloves of garlic every day might help you avoid getting a common cold. This special thing in garlic called allicin fights off germs. It’s also good for the helpful bacteria in your tummy. So, garlic can be a yummy part of your pregnancy meals.

2. Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk has something called lactoferrin that makes it a great friend for your immune system. Lactoferrin stops bad viruses from bothering your body. Having a glass or two of cow’s milk daily can be a good idea.

3. Kiwi Fruit

Vitamin C is like a superhero for your immune system. You don’t need a lot, just enough. Kiwi fruit is packed with vitamin C. One kiwi can give you about half of what you need in a day. And it’s much tastier than taking a vitamin pill!

4. Green Tea

I know, you’re told to go easy on caffeine during pregnancy. Green tea has caffeine, but it also has good things like catechins and theanine. These things could possibly improve how your immune system functions.Some research shows that people who drink green tea catch fewer colds. If you’re already sipping coffee or black tea, switching to green tea could be a smart move.

Remember, these are just ideas to help you and your baby stay healthy Before making significant changes to what you eat, it’s a good idea to have a conversation with your doctor.

5. Sweet Potato

Your body needs something called vitamin A to help its defense system. But too much can be not so good for you and your baby. Sweet potatoes have just the right amount of this vitamin. Eating half a cup of sweet potato gives you what you need for the day.

6. Mixed Nuts

Two Brazil nuts have something called selenium that’s helpful for you. Almonds have vitamin E, which is like a shield for your immune cells. These things stop bad stuff from hurting your body. Nuts are also good for the little guys in your tummy that keep you healthy.

7. Homemade Chicken Soup

Chicken soup might not have magical powers, but when you’re feeling stressed, a warm bowl can make you feel better. Reducing stress can be beneficial for your immune system. Plus, chicken in the soup has something called zinc, which is a superhero for your body. Veggies and garlic in the soup add even more goodness.

But remember, the best way to stay healthy is by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy. If you want more tips, just ask me in the comments below.

8. Mosambi / Sweet Lemon

Mosambi is packed with vitamin C and potassium. These things are like superheroes for your body’s defense system. When you’re pregnant, mosambi can help you fight off bad stuff. Plus, it can control those strong urges for certain foods. It’s also awesome for keeping your gums and teeth healthy.

9. Green Leafy Veggies

Veggies like spinach, bell peppers (green and red), drumstick, turnip, and cabbage are full of things your body needs. They have vitamins and minerals that make your immune system stronger. You know what else is great? Zinc and vitamin D. They’re like power-ups for your immune system. But it’s not just about food – getting enough sleep, exercising, and staying calm are also super important.

Remember, vitamin C is like a friend to iron, helping your body use it better. So, keep enjoying these foods and taking care of yourself!

10. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used for a long time to help with wounds, joint pain, and infections. It’s like a little boost for your immune system, especially when you have a bad cold or cough during pregnancy. It’s a natural way to fight off sickness and make your immune system stronger.

11. Amla / Indian Gooseberry

Amla is full of something called vitamin C. This is like a superhero for your body’s defense system. It also fights bad things and helps keep you healthy. Amla can also help with constipation and diabetes. And when you’re pregnant, it’s good for your digestion too.

So, adding these natural helpers to your meals can be really good for you and your baby.

The Importance of Protein:

Protein is like the building blocks for your body. When you’re pregnant, you need more of it to help your body and your baby grow. It’s not just for energy and strength – it’s also like brain food for your baby’s development.

And guess what? You don’t only find protein in meat and eggs. Nuts, green leafy veggies, and pulses like lentils are also great sources. Almonds, for example, have something called omega-3 fatty acids that are like superheroes for your immune system. They help fight off bad stuff and keep you healthy.

So, what are some good protein foods? Well, you can have lentils, pulses, sprouts, millets, soya, eggs, chicken, and more. Eating enough protein every day is really important to keep both you and your baby strong. You can also add things like eggs, paneer, soybean, meat, fish, and sprouts to your meals. By doing that, you’ll make sure you’re getting enough protein.

Boosting Your Immune System with Supplements

There are some supplements you might want to think about taking: zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Sometimes, these can all be found in one supplement. It’s a good idea to talk to your pharmacist or a health expert to figure out the best combination for you.
Zinc and vitamin C are well-known for helping your immune system. Vitamin C can also give you more energy and help reduce tiredness, which is something every pregnant woman would appreciate.
Having enough Vitamin D is really important to help keep your immune system strong. It can also help control how our bodies react to infections. During winter, when we get less sunlight, our bodies need more vitamin D. Studies actually show that during winter, almost 39% of people might not have enough vitamin D in their bodies.

How to Make Your Immune System Stronger While You’re Pregnant?

  1. Keep Your Hands Clean:  It’s important to wash your hands regularly with strong soap that kills germs. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of harmful bacteria and germs. Also, stay away from people who are sick to avoid getting infections.
  2. Get Enough Sleep:  Sleeping well is really important for your immune system. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body’s defenses against sickness can become weaker, and it might take longer for you to recover when you’re not feeling well. It’s a good idea to aim for about eight hours of sleep every night. Following a consistent sleep routine and using comfy body pillows and pleasant-smelling oils can make your sleep better.
  3. Drink Enough Fluids:  Drink about 100 ounces (more than just water) of fluids each day to stay hydrated. This helps your body work well and gives nutrients to your growing baby. If you feel thirsty, it’s okay to drink even more.
  4. Stay Active:  It’s good to do some exercise even when you’re pregnant. You don’t have to do really tough exercises. Just doing things like restorative yoga for about 30 minutes can help your immune system and make you feel better. Moving your body through exercise also makes you feel relaxed and better able to handle stress.

Keep in mind that the aim of these tips is to help you stay well during your pregnancy and prevent getting sick.



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