HomeDiet & NutritionsVitamin B12 Deficiency: Symptoms & Treatments

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Symptoms & Treatments

Vitamin B12 is super important for our nerves, brain, and making red blood cells. We get it from foods like meat, eggs, and some yeast products. If our diet doesn’t have enough B12, we might need to take supplements. If we don’t get enough B12, we might feel tired and have headaches.

Not having enough B12 can cause problems when our body doesn’t get the amount it needs. This can lead to different symptoms and even cause long-lasting nerve problems if we don’t treat it.

In the United States and United Kingdom, about 6% of adults under 60 don’t have enough B12. But this goes up to 20% for people older than 60.

Vitamin B12 is a type of vitamin that can dissolve in water and move through our body in our blood. Our body can save B12 for up to 4 years and get rid of any extra B12 through our urine.

Out of all the vitamins, B12 is the biggest and most complex. It’s naturally found in animal foods like meat and eggs, and we can also make it using bacteria.

This article talks about what B12 does, how we can tell if we’re not getting enough, and how to get more of it in our diet.

What are some effects of vitamin B12 on health?

Pernicious anemia

This is a kind of anemia when your stomach cells can’t make something called intrinsic factor. Without it, your body can’t use vitamin B12. You might feel weak, have pale skin, diarrhea, lose weight, and more. Taking vitamin B12 supplements, like shots or pills, helps treat this. Pernicious anemia can be serious, so always talk to a doctor.

Heart disease

Some studies say people with high levels of a thing called homocysteine might have a higher chance of heart problems. Vitamins B9, B6, and B12 can help lower homocysteine. But we’re not sure if high homocysteine really causes heart disease. If you’re worried about your heart, ask a doctor if taking B vitamins is right for you.

Eye problems

Taking vitamin B12 with other vitamins might lower your risk of an eye disease called AMD. It can make you lose vision.


Feeling tired can be a sign of not enough vitamin B12. Some people might get more energy from B12 shots, but we need more research to be sure.

Breast cancer

B12 and another vitamin called folate might help lower the risk of breast cancer, especially for women who eat more of these vitamins.

Male fertility

Taking B12 supplements might help sperm count and swimming ability. We require additional research to be certain.

You find vitamin B12 only in animal foods like fish, dairy, eggs, and meat.

How Much Do You Need?

The answer to this depends on things like how old you are, what you usually eat, any health issues you have, and the medicines you take.

The average amount you need each day, measured in something called micrograms (mcg), changes as you grow:

  • Babies up to 6 months old: 0.4 mcg
  • Babies from 7 to 12 months old: 0.5 mcg
  • Kids from 1 to 3 years old: 0.9 mcg
  • Kids from 4 to 8 years old: 1.2 mcg
  • Kids from 9 to 13 years old: 1.8 mcg
  • Teens from 14 to 18 years old: 2.4 mcg (but if pregnant, 2.6 mcg a day; if breastfeeding, 2.8 mcg a day)
  • Adults: 2.4 mcg (but if pregnant, 2.6 mcg a day; if breastfeeding, 2.8 mcg a day)

Deficiency symptoms:

When your B12 levels are low or you don’t have enough, it can lead to different symptoms, and some of them can be pretty serious. It might even damage your nervous system and brain, and sometimes this can be really bad. But there’s no need to be concerned, as this doesn’t occur frequently.

Even when your B12 levels are a bit lower than they should be, you can start having symptoms. But these symptoms are not very clear and can’t tell for sure if you have a B12 shortage. These symptoms might be:

  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Being confused
  • Having trouble remembering things
  • Feeling really tired
  • Getting headaches
  • Feeling your mood change
  • Having a hard time focusing

If things get worse, you might have other changes like numbness and tingling in your hands and feet. Sometimes it can be tricky to keep everything in balance.

Babies who don’t have enough B12 might show:

  • Moving their face in a strange way
  • Problems with their reflexes
  • Trouble eating
  • Being annoyed easily
  • Having growth problems if not treated

Not having enough B12 has also been connected to a higher chance of having trouble thinking and feeling sad.

If you don’t get enough B12, you might also get anemia. Anemia can make you feel tired, make it hard to breathe, and your heartbeat might not be regular. People with anemia might also:

  • Have a mouth or tongue that hurts
  • Lose weight
  • Have skin that’s pale or yellowish
  • Get diarrhea
  • Have problems with their period

Who is at risk?

Some groups of people could have a higher chance of not having enough vitamin B12 in their bodies.

  • Vegans: People who follow a vegan diet, which means they don’t eat foods that come from animals, might not get enough B12. This is because B12 mostly comes from animal products. Pregnant and breastfeeding women who are vegans could have an even harder time getting enough B12. It’s important for them to take B12 supplements to make sure they’re getting what they need.
  • People with Pernicious Anemia: This is a type of disease that affects the blood. If you have this, your body might not have enough of a protein called intrinsic factor (IF). This protein helps your body use B12. Without enough of it, you can become low on B12.
  • People with Problems in Their Intestines: If you have issues with your small intestine, like if it’s shorter because of surgery or if you have a disease like Crohn’s disease, you might not be able to absorb B12 well.
  • People with Gastritis, Celiac Disease, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): These conditions can make it harder for your body to take in nutrients, including B12.
  • People Who Drink Too Much Alcohol: If you drink a lot of alcohol for a long time, your body might not be good at taking in nutrients like B12.
  • People with Diabetes on Metformin: If you have diabetes and you take a medicine called metformin, it could make it harder for your body to use B12. So, your doctor should check your B12 levels regularly.

If you don’t have enough B12, you can take B12 supplements by mouth or get B12 injections from your doctor.

Supplements for Vitamin B12:

For some people, getting enough vitamin B12 from food is hard, so they might need to use supplements.

Some groups might struggle to get enough B12 from food, like:

  • Older adults
  • People with a type of anemia called pernicious anemia
  • People with problems in their intestines

People can take B12 supplements by mouth or as a spray that goes in their nose. But, taking B12 supplements by mouth might not always work if you don’t have enough B12. In those cases, a doctor might suggest giving you B12 injections.

People who are vegans or don’t get enough B12 from their diet can take supplements to avoid not having enough B12. This is extra important during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

You can buy different types of B12 supplements in health food stores or online. But be careful, because these supplements are not checked by the FDA, the people who make sure medicines and supplements are safe. So, make sure you get supplements from a trusted place.

Getting Vitamin B12 through Injections:

For some people with problems like pernicious anemia or serious vitamin B12 deficiency, doctors might suggest vitamin B12 injections.

These injections have vitamin B12 in forms called cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin.

Usually, a healthcare professional will give these injections into a muscle every other day for 2 weeks, or until the person starts feeling better. Whether the treatment continues depends on whether the deficiency is because of diet or if there are other issues with the person’s nerves or brain.

Side Effects

Having too much vitamin B12 isn’t usually considered harmful by doctors.

Hydroxocobalamin injections might have some side effects, like:

  • You might feel pain, swelling, or itching where you got the injection.
  • Feeling sick or throwing up
  • Headaches
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Suddenly feeling very hot

Serious side effects are rare. But if someone feels their heart beating too fast or has signs of an allergic reaction after the injection, they should call their doctor right away.


Vitamin B12 is a super important vitamin mainly found in foods from animals. Most adults need about 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of it every day.

Our body uses vitamin B12 to keep our brain, nerves, and blood cells healthy.

Not having enough vitamin B12 can lead to things like headaches, feeling tired, and stomach problems. In serious cases, it can even hurt our nerves and brain.

Some people have a higher risk of not having enough B12, like older adults and those whose bodies don’t absorb nutrients well. Vegans, who don’t eat animal products, might also be at risk because they don’t get much B12 in their diet.

For most people who eat a balanced diet, getting enough B12 isn’t a problem. But for others, doctors might suggest taking B12 supplements by mouth or through injections.



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