HomeDiet & Nutritions25 Superfoods for Lactating Moms

25 Superfoods for Lactating Moms

Taking Care of Yourself and Baby: 25 Superfoods for Lactating Moms

Being pregnant and taking care of yourself and your baby can be pretty tough on your body and mind. But here’s the good news: breastfeeding is super awesome for both you and your baby! That milk you make is the only food your baby gets, so it’s super important to eat well.

If you’re taking care of a baby by feeding them from your body, like breastfeeding or chest feeding, your body is always working to make milk for your little one. It’s like a 24/7 job! A lot of parents who breastfeed say they feel hungry all the time. That’s because your body needs extra energy to make milk.

You might have heard about “superfoods” – these are foods that are really, really good for us because they have lots of important stuff inside. Some of these superfoods can be extra helpful for moms who are breastfeeding. In this article, we’re going to talk about some of the best superfoods that can be really great for you and your baby while you’re breastfeeding.

Foods for Lactating Moms:

1. Whole Grains:

Brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and oatmeal are good types of carbs. They help you feel full for a long time and give you steady energy. These kinds of grains have B vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are good for your body. Fiber is nice for your tummy, helps keep your blood sugar steady, and makes you feel full. Eating oats every day is a smart idea because they have lots of fiber and can help make more milk. They also have iron.

2. Salmon and sardines

Salmon is a good kind of food with protein. It has things called omega-3 and vitamin B12 that help babies’ nervous systems. Salmon also has vitamin D, which some moms need more of when breastfeeding. Omega-3 and vitamin B12 might stop moms from feeling sad after having a baby. Salmon is really helpful for moms who breastfeed because it has something called DHA that helps babies’ nerves grow. You can pick wild-caught, farm-raised, or canned salmon – they’re all good for you. Both salmon and sardines can help make more breast milk.

3. Beef

Zinc is important for moms who breastfeed, and beef has lots of it. Beef also has good protein, iron, and B vitamins. These things help keep your energy up when you take care of a new baby. If you can, pick grass-fed beef because it has good fats and no added medicines.

4. Eggs

Eggs have lots of protein, choline, lutein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin, and folate. They’re good for a fast and simple meal or snack. Eating the whole egg is better for getting all the good stuff. New studies say eggs don’t make your cholesterol go up.

5. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are like a secret stash of vitamins and minerals. They’re packed with good stuff, and two of their special ingredients are iron and zinc. These things are extra important for your baby’s growth and your own health, especially when you’re breastfeeding. So, if you’re a mom who’s breastfeeding, think of hemp seeds as your superfood friends that can help keep you and your baby strong and happy.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

In Thailand, people who breastfeed often eat lots of vegetables. Even though there’s no exact proof, green leafy veggies like broccoli and cabbage could be helpful for making more milk. They have something called phytoestrogens, which might be why they’re good for milk. Some parents worry that these veggies might make their baby gassy, but that part of the veggies doesn’t get into the milk.

7. Apricots and dates

Eating apricots and dates can help make milk. Apricots have fiber and vitamins, and fresh ones are better than canned. Dates are also good – they have calcium and are sweet. Dried apricots and dates make easy snacks.

8. Mushrooms

You might not think of mushrooms as something that helps with making milk, but certain kinds can actually be good for that. Some mushrooms have a special thing called beta-glucan. This is also found in oats and barley, which are known to help with milk production. So, it’s possible that mushrooms with beta-glucan can also be helpful.

In my experience, when breastfeeding parents eat foods with beta-glucan, like oats, barley, and certain mushrooms, they often see more milk. Reishi, shiitake, maitake, shimeji, and oyster mushrooms are some of the best sources of a healthy substance called beta-glucan.

9. Red and Orange Root Vegetables

Even though we don’t have clear studies, many cultures have used red and orange vegetables like carrots and yams for hundreds of years to help make more milk. In Chinese tradition, these veggies are believed to help both the parent and the baby by making the milk better. The good things in these veggies are similar to what’s in green leafy ones, like phytoestrogens.

10. Flaxseeds:

Flaxseeds are like little health champions, especially for moms who are breastfeeding. They’re full of something called fiber, which is really good for your body. They also have something that fights inflammation, kind of like when a part of your body gets a bit swollen and achy. But the best part is that they’re like a treasure chest filled with important things your body needs to stay strong and healthy.

If you add flaxseeds to the meals you usually eat, it’s like giving your body and your baby extra special help. It’s almost like a secret way to make sure you both stay really healthy.

11. Yogurt

Yogurt has calcium and protein that are important for you. You can have low-fat or Greek yogurt with fruit or granola. If your baby can’t have dairy, be careful with yogurt.

There are more foods that are good for breastfeeding moms, like avocados and pumpkin seeds. Drinking water is important too – it helps your milk and keeps you hydrated. Drink water before and after breastfeeding. Drinking enough water is important for milk and to keep you feeling good.

Related……How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

12. Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds are like little nutrition powerhouses, and you can totally enjoy them when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. They’re safe and don’t come with many risks at all. Just remember, it’s a good idea to have about 1 ounce of chia seeds each day – not too much! If you ever have questions about chia seeds and how they work with your body, it’s smart to talk to a dietitian or a doctor who knows lots about food and health.

13. Seeds:

Here’s a cool group of seeds that can do something awesome for your body. We’re talking about sesame seeds, flaxseeds (they’re back!), and pumpkin seeds. These seeds are like little packages filled with really good things for your body. They’re loaded with minerals and healthy fats that help your body make milk for your baby. You can sprinkle them on your salads, blend them into smoothies, or just enjoy them as a yummy snack. It’s like giving your body a milk-making boost!

14. Asparagus

When you handle, keep, and cook asparagus the right way, it’s totally okay to enjoy it while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Even if you munch on a lot of it, you might notice some small effects, but don’t worry – they won’t hurt you or your baby. So, as long as your tummy is fine with it, feel free to munch on as much asparagus as you like!

15. Basil Seeds

You might have heard of it as tulsi, but basil is something special that moms have been using for a long time to help make more milk. And guess what? It does more than just that! It also helps you go to the bathroom comfortably and makes your tummy ready for yummy food. So, basil is like a helpful friend for new moms in many ways.

16. Sweet potatoes

Eating one medium sweet potato gives you the vitamin A you need. Vitamin A is important for your eyes, bones, and immune system. It’s good for your baby too. Sweet potatoes also have potassium.

17. Legumes and beans

Beans and legumes are full of protein, iron, and fiber that are good for you. They also have minerals and something called phytochemicals, which help keep you healthy. Eating things like chili, bean dip, and chickpeas is great for you. They might make you a bit gassy, but that’s okay.

18. Chickpeas

People who breastfeed have been eating chickpeas for a really long time to make more milk. Like, way back in ancient Egypt! Chickpeas are like a nutritious treasure because they’re packed with protein, which is like the building blocks for your body. They also have something called plant estrogens, which can help make milk. It’s like a natural milk booster from the good old’ days!

19. Nuts

Nuts are like little powerhouses with good things for you. They have healthy fats and special things called antioxidants that can help your milk get even better. Think about walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios – they’re all like your milk’s buddies.

If you feel like your milk is not coming in a lot, munching on nuts can be a smart idea. You can eat them as they are, all raw or roasted. You can also add them to cookies, make yummy smoothies, or toss them into salads. And if you’re just a bit hungry between meals, nuts make a tasty snack. They’re like milk-making superheroes in nut form.

20. Apples:

Apples are like little treasure chests full of good stuff for your body. They’re really good for moms who are breastfeeding because they help keep your milk supply just right. Not only that, but apples also give you the energy you need to heal and take care of your brand-new baby. It’s like they’re sending your body a special message: “Stay strong and take care of yourself and your little one!”

21. Green Papaya

Have you heard about green papaya? It’s like a superhero for breastfeeding moms. It does something cool – it makes your body produce more of a special thing called oxytocin, which is like a milk-making helper. Green papaya is like a popular star in Asia, especially in yummy Thai dishes.

And here’s the fun part: you can eat green papaya in different ways. You can have it as it is, all raw and fresh. Or you can mix it with yogurt, put it in cereal, or enjoy it with other fruits. It’s like a secret ingredient to help you and your baby stay healthy and happy!

22. Brewer’s Yeast:

There’s something called brewer’s yeast that moms who breastfeed use to make more milk for their babies. It’s like a milk-making helper! And you know what else? People often say it’s like a special kind of food that’s good for you when you’re breastfeeding. Taking brewer’s yeast can help you make more milk, and some think it can also help you feel less tired and happier. It’s like a little helper for both you and your baby!

23. Beans:

Did you know that eating beans is a smart idea when you’re breastfeeding? Yep, it’s true! You can totally enjoy them in your meals, but not too much – just a bit. Beans are like little powerhouses with good stuff for your body. They have tiny things called micronutrients that can be really helpful, and they’re also packed with fiber, which is good for your tummy.

Plus, when you add beans to your meals, it’s like making your food extra special. They’re like friends that help your tummy work better and even help you lose some extra weight. So, if you want to enjoy some tasty and healthy meals while you’re taking care of your baby, beans are a great choice!

24. Goat’s Rue:

Ever heard of something called goat’s rue? It’s like a special plant that can be really good for moms who are breastfeeding. It can actually help your body make more milk for your baby. But, like with anything, it’s best not to have too much of it. The dried leaves are usually safe for both you and your baby if you use it carefully.

If you’re thinking about trying goat’s rue, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first. Also, make sure you get it from a trusted place.

25. Carrots:

These orange veggies are full of something called beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which are like healthy helpers for your body. If you have carrot juice, it’s like giving your milk a little boost. You might want to try having a cup of carrot juice before lunch – that could help you make more milk in the afternoon for your baby. It’s like a delicious way to help you and your baby stay happy and healthy!

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Things You Should Avoid:

While it’s important to know what foods are good to eat, it’s also important to know what foods you should be careful with. Moms who are breastfeeding should try not to eat certain foods because they can make your body produce gas. Some of these foods are pulses, raw mango, potato, and raw banana.

There are also some other things you should avoid, like caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and peppermint. But you don’t have to completely stop eating chocolate or having a little bit of caffeine if you like. Just try to have them in small amounts.

It’s really important for you to eat regular meals when you’re breastfeeding. This way, both you and your baby get the important stuff your bodies need. Every baby is different, so what works for someone else’s baby might not work for yours. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before you decide to add or avoid any of these foods in your diet after having a baby.



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